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Aadi Brmha Temple

आदि ब्रम्हा मंदिर- खोखन नामक स्थान में यह मंदिर भुंतर से दो किलोमीटर दूरी पर है। इस मंदिर को 18 वीं शताब्दी में निर्मित बताया जाता है। मंदिर में रखी गई प्रतिमाएं 10 वीं और 11 वीं शताब्दी की बताई जाती हैं।
The Aadi Brahma becomes Aadi Purkha: From Kullu to Mandi

The Aadi Purkha Temple of Uttarsal Mandi is another temple dedicated to Lord Brahma in Himachal Pradesh. The temple is located right across the Parashar Hill in Tihri Village in the North West direction. On a bright sunny day, the rest houses atop the Parashar Hill are clearly visible from the Tihri Village.

It is believed that once both the Tihri and Khokhan Villages belonged to Kullu Riyasat and natives from both the villages worshiped the Khokhan Brahma. However, a territorial dispute aroused between Mandi and Kullu and resulted in separation of these two villages. The Tihri natives decided to have their own Aadi Brahma Temple and they named it Aadi Purkha Temple. The new temple shares not only its name with the Khokhan Temple but also the architectural style.

About the Author

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My name is Toshiba Anand. I am a content writer, traveller & music lover. I enjoy to dance, watch movies, comedy videos, listen punjabi songs. I am here to spread the word about Himachal Pradesh and my district Mandi.

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Temples (~27/183)

Himachal Pradesh. It is located at an altitude of about 2,438 m in the Kullu Valley. Bijli Mahadev is one of the excellent temples in India. Located 10 km from Kullu across the Beas river, it can be approached by a rewarding trek of 3 km.
A panoramic view of Kullu and Paravati valleys can be seen from the temple. The 60 feet high staff of Bijli Mahadev

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