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Temple , Mosque & Church in Himachal Pradesh

Collection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple designCollection of ancient temples & beautiful temple design--

Collection of ancient temples & beautiful temple design, collected from all over the valleies of himalaya

jawala Mata Temple Test

Hotel, Highland Park, Manali, Kullu , HImachal Pradesh.jpg

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Maa Hateshwari Devi


Maa Hateshwari Devi which is located at Drovada Dhar Sunder Nagar Mandi Himachal Pradesh is very well known temple in Mandi District and peoples have strong faith in Godess Mata Hateshwari Devi.Maa

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I am a content author for this website ( & I am a traveler and enjoy to travel across the different regions of India and Himachal Pradesh

Temples (~27/183)

Himachal Pradesh. It is located at an altitude of about 2,438 m in the Kullu Valley. Bijli Mahadev is one of the excellent temples in India. Located 10 km from Kullu across the Beas river, it can be approached by a rewarding trek of 3 km.
A panoramic view of Kullu and Paravati valleys can be seen from the temple. The 60 feet high staff of Bijli Mahadev

Chandika Devi Temple

चंडिका देवी मंदिर-माँ काली को समर्पित यह मंदिर सातवीं शताब्दी में निर्मित बताया जाता है। मंदिर में एक भगवान विष्णु की खड़ी प्रतिमा है। मंदिर...

Ambika Devi Mandir Kullu

अम्बिका देवी मंदिर-यह मंदिर माता दुर्गा को समर्पित है। गर्भगृह में संगमरमर की काले रंग की प्रतिमा है जिसे सोने और चांदी के आभूषणों से...

Nirmand Temple Kullu

निरमंड के मंदिर- निरमंड परशुराम की तप-स्थली मानी जाती है। परशुराम को विष्णु का छठा अवतार माना गया हैं। महर्षि जमदगिनी के पुत्र यही हैं तथा...

Guseni Devi Temple

गुसैनि देवी मंदिर-भीतरी सिराज में तीरथन नदी के दाहिने किनारे पर स्थित इस मंदिर को गड़ा दुर्गा का माना जाता है। गुसैन गांव में स्थित इस मंदिर...